
Getting Your Instructors into the Game: Empowering AI Literacy and Adoption

Brett Christie, Ph.D.
VP, Educational Innovation & Inclusivity

As we reach the midpoint of the semester, the rhythm of the academic year is in full swing. Courses are established, and instructors and students alike are settling into their routines. But even as the semester progresses, there’s a critical opportunity that remains largely untapped for many institutions—embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tool for enhancing teaching and learning. While AI holds tremendous potential, many faculty members are still on the sidelines, unsure of how to engage with this powerful technology.

As higher education leaders, it’s our responsibility to get our instructors into the game, helping them not only understand AI but also embrace it in ways that enhance teaching and learning. Here’s how you can guide your faculty from the bench to the playing field, using the energy of the new season and some football-inspired strategies.

Kickoff: Setting the Stage for AI Literacy

Just as a coach sets the tone for the season, you can set the tone for AI literacy at your institution. The kickoff is all about preparation—ensuring your faculty understand the potential of AI and how it can be used constructively and ethically in their work. Many faculty members may be hesitant to engage with AI due to misconceptions or fears about its implications. Your role is to address these concerns directly.

Start by initiating open dialogues about AI. Host workshops that demystify AI concepts, offer clear examples of how AI can complement rather than replace traditional teaching methods, and provide accessible resources. Early communication is key—make sure your instructors feel informed, supported, and ready to explore what AI can offer.

Coaching the Team: Providing Guidance and Support

A successful football team relies on effective coaching, where players are given the tools and training they need to succeed. Similarly, faculty need guidance and support as they navigate the world of AI. As administrators, you are the coaches who can empower your instructors with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate AI into their teaching.

Offer targeted professional development opportunities that cater to different levels of AI familiarity. Create AI resource hubs with tutorials, case studies, and practical tips for using AI in the classroom. Encourage peer-to-peer learning by fostering communities of practice where faculty can share experiences and strategies for using AI effectively.

Inspire your faculty by highlighting success stories of AI adoption, both within your institution and beyond. Show them that with the right guidance, they can harness AI to enhance their teaching and provide more personalized learning experiences.

Running the Plays: Encouraging Experimentation and Innovation

In football, running plays and trying new strategies on the field is essential to success. Similarly, faculty should be encouraged to experiment with AI, testing new approaches and integrating AI tools in ways that enhance their teaching. This is where innovation happens—when instructors feel confident enough to try something new, knowing they have the support of their leadership.

A great way to start small is by integrating AI into content creation. Faculty can use AI tools to generate ideas for lecture content, quiz questions, or discussion prompts. This approach allows instructors to explore how AI can enhance creativity and streamline the development of course materials, all while maintaining control over the core teaching elements. By experimenting with AI in this way, faculty can save time, enrich their course content, and gradually become more comfortable with incorporating AI into their teaching practices.

Building Teamwork: Fostering Collaboration and Open Dialogue

Teamwork is the backbone of any successful football game, and the same holds true for AI adoption in education. Collaboration among faculty, students, and administrators is crucial to fully realizing the potential of AI. By fostering a culture of teamwork, you can ensure that AI integration is a shared effort that benefits the entire institution.

Create opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, where faculty from different departments can come together to explore AI’s potential in various contexts. Hold regular discussions about ethical AI use, ensuring that all voices are heard and that there is a shared understanding of how AI can be used responsibly. Encourage faculty to involve their students in these conversations, making AI adoption a collaborative process that includes everyone in the educational community.

The End Game: Preparing for the Future

Just as a football coach prepares the team for the end game and future seasons, your role as an administrator is to help faculty think long-term about AI’s role in education. AI is not a passing trend—it’s a transformative tool that will continue to evolve and shape the future of teaching and learning.

Develop a sustainable AI strategy that includes ongoing professional development, regular updates on AI advancements, and continuous evaluation of AI’s impact on teaching and learning. Ensure that AI use aligns with your institution’s values and goals, and that faculty are supported in adapting to new developments as they arise.

Celebrating Wins: Acknowledging Faculty Progress with AI

Just as a coach celebrates the team’s victories on the field, higher education leaders should recognize and celebrate the progress faculty make in adopting and integrating AI into their teaching. Acknowledging these efforts not only boosts morale but also reinforces a culture of innovation.

Consider establishing regular forums or newsletters where faculty can share their successes with AI, offering them a platform to showcase creative uses of AI in their courses. Highlight these achievements during faculty meetings, in institutional communications, or through awards and recognition programs. By celebrating these milestones, you help create a supportive environment where every step forward is seen as a collective win for the institution.

Rallying the Team: A Call to Action

As we embark on this new academic season, the time is now to get your instructors into the game. AI offers incredible opportunities to enhance education, but it requires leadership, guidance, and a willingness to step onto the field and play. By setting the stage for AI literacy, providing the right coaching and support, encouraging experimentation, fostering teamwork, and celebrating progress, you can help your faculty embrace AI and unlock its full potential.

So, rally your team, take the field, and let’s make this academic year one where AI isn’t just an idea but a game-changing reality in classrooms across your institution. The playbook is in your hands—let’s get started!

Interested in learning more on the topic? Register here to join us at our upcoming webinar “Getting Instructors into the Game: Strategies to Support AI Literacy & Adoption” on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.


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