AI and ChatGPT Resources for Higher Education

We’ve collected a list of resources shared during our recent webinars on ChatGPT and AI in higher education. 

Explore our AI in Higher Education webinar series on Youtube:

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Resources From Our Webinars

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AnswerGarden: Your current sentiments regarding AI

Padlet: AI in Higher Education

U.S. Office of Educational Technology, “AI and the Future of Teaching & Learning” report

EDUCAUSE: Horizon Report 2023

EDUCAUSE Quick Poll Results: Adopting and Adapting to Generative AI in Higher Ed Tech 

Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick, The Wharton School, 4/27/23; Let ChatGPT Be Your Teaching AssistantStrategies for Thoughtfully Using AI to Lighten Your Workload.

Article: Tools to Help Accelerate Your Research 

AI Discovery Site:

Critical Media Literacy Guides:

Sample Syllabus AI Statements:  Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools 

We created a sampling of prompts to get you started with using the tool: ChatGPT Prompts to Accelerate Learning

Padlet created by Dr. Heather Brown: Padlet for AI in Education 

Clean copy of first meeting agenda for CSUCI AI Residency Program: CSUCI Summer Program

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Padlet: ChatGPT in Higher Education -Your thoughts on the following categories.

Our guest speakers, Nik Janos and Zach Justus, blog about ChatGPT and their experiences exploring it with undergraduate students at California State University Chico: All That Is Solid Melts Into Air

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Padlet, Part 1: Reflections on the current use of AI

Padlet, Part 2: AI and Assessments

Article: Jason Johnston, UT Knoxville: AI Assignment Flip – 10 Examples

Article: Times Higher Education by Christine Rivers & Anna Holland, (August 30, 2023): How can generative AI intersect with Bloom’s taxonomy?

Article: Oregon State University, ECampus: Considerations for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy

PDF: Oregon State University, ECampus: Bloom’s Taxonomy Revisited

Article: Danny Liu & Adam Bridgeman (12 July 2023): What to do about assessments if we can’t out-design or out-run AI?

Tiffin University, Online: Design Statements

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AnswerGarden: Reasons you haven’t used ChatGPT more?

Padlet: Your ChatGPT goals and/or prior experiences

Padlet: University AI Policies hosted by Tracy Moore at Western University

Article: Let ChatGPT Be Your Teaching Assistant by Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick

Article: Disruption within a disruption by Nick Janos. All That Is Solid Melts Into Air. (November 29, 2023)

Article: Inside Higher Ed, Students Outrunning Faculty in AI Use (Oct 31, 2023)

Google Doc: Syllabus Policies for Generative AI Tools hosted by Lance Eaton

PDF: Tidewater Community College – Including a Course GenAI Policy

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Substack by Michelle Kassorla: The Academic Platypus

View our curated collection of ChatGPT prompts

Get started with Curie today: Meet Curie. The Educator Engine.

Resources Shared by Our Audience

Discover Over 3600 AI tools:

Find AIs using AI: theresanaiforthat

Khan Academy’s AI powered guide: Khanmigo

Try Notion’s new AI tool: Notion AI

Try Google’s latest experiments in Labs: Google AI

Microsoft’s AI Powered Browser: Edge

AI Powered Formative Feedback:

AI Meeting Assistant:

AI Assistant:

AI Research Assistant:

The AI Research Assistant: Elicit

Open Source Search Results Clustering Engine: Carrot2

Qualitative Citation Analysis:

Generate images textual descriptions: Midjourney

AI Photo Enhancer:

Online Research Platform: Litmaps

Google’s Generative AI Model: Gemini

AI Content Detector:

Citation-based Literature Mapping Tool:

AI Search Engine for Research:

Create a working presentation, document or webpage:

Article: How to use Midjourney: The popular AI image generator

Tool to help summarize web content: Merlin ChatGPT browser extension

AI Paraphrasing Tool: QuillBot

Article: AI Meeting Assistants 

AI Meeting Assistant: Beulr

Collection of AI-powered content generation tools and chatbots:

Flowchart: Incorporating AI in Learning Assessments: A Guided Pathway

Ethan Mollick Youtube video: Introduction to AI for Teachers and Students

Create Your Own AI Bot: POE

AI for Educators:

AI Teaching Assistant:

Free reference manager – Organize, share and cite references and research data: Mendeley

Personal Research Assistant: Zotero

Systemic Review Tool: Covidence

Transform documents into interactive conversations:

AI Writing Tool: Wordtune

AI Data Analysis:

AI-driven Study Assistant:

Unlock the Power of AI in Education:

AI for Instructional Designers: eLearning and classroom training storyboard automation tool-

Rice University, Center for Teaching Excellence – Course Workload Estimator 

Video: How Microsoft 365 Copilot works

Rush University, Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation: 2023 AI Literacy Module for Canvas

University of South Carolina, Center for Teaching Excellence: ChatGPT for Teaching and Learning

Article: How to train ChatGPT to write like you

Article: OpenAI – Introducing GPTs

Coursera course by Vanderbilt University: Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT  Starts August 10

Article: Accessibility of AI Interfaces

AI Literacy Course: Purdue Global: Exploring AI: Core Concepts and Applications Synopsis

University of Iowa: Tips, guidance, and resources for instructors to adapt to AI in the classroom

PDF created by M’hammed Abdous, Ph.D. of Old Dominion University: Exploring the Potential of AI Content Generation Tools in Teaching, Learning, and Research: Frequently Asked Questions

Article: Instructure Community Blog – Create a quiz in ChatGPT and import it into Canvas

University of Vermont:
Teaching and Writing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

California State University, Northridge: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Arizona State University: Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Karolinska Institutet: Generative AI and teaching – Advice for educators

Google Site: Generative AI Toolkit

Youtube: Matt Wolfe

Google Group: AI in Education

The Rundown AI

Google Next 2023: View On-Demand Recording

World Education

Educause: AI Community Group

Dr. Luke Hobson

University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Center for Transformative Teaching: Teaching and Generative Artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT

Substack by Laura Yost: Chronicles from the World of Instructional Design

Substack by Ethan Mollick: One Useful Thing

Substack by Lance Eaton: AI + Education = Simplified

Alchemy: View our curated collection of ChatGPT prompts

Prompt Optimization: PromptPerfect

Prompt Engineering Guide:

Free eLearning eBook: Maximizing Your Course Success: Utilizing ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering

Article: ChatGPT Style Guide: Understanding Voice and Tone Prompt Options for Engaging Conversations

Free Coursera course by Dr. Jules White: Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

Assessment ideas that can assist with academic integrity concerns that may arise with students using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT: Thinking About Assessment in the Time of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Handout created by Doug Holton that includes do’s and don’ts of using ChatGPT and how to adapt your assessments to AI: Adapting Your Teaching to Generative AI Tools

PDF: London University UCL: Assessment Ideas for an AI Enabled World

Eilana Elkhoury, Athabasac University: 17 Types of Oral Assessment

American Psychological Association (APA): How to Cite ChatGPT

Arizona State University Library: Citing Generative AI models 

Article: AI Writing Detection Update From Turnitin’s Chief Product Officer

Google Doc: Examples of Course AI Policy Statements

Boris Steipe (2023) “Syllabus Resources”:  The Sentient Syllabus Project

Example policy on rules for students using AI tools in the course: Rules for Tools

Open Source Google Doc: Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools

Sacred Heart University – Academic Integrity Policy

Qualitative Citation Analysis:

Generating Citations:

Air Table created by Joe Sabado: Running list of University Policies

Kent State University: AI Syllabus Language Examples

Padlet by Tracy Mendolia-Moore at WesternU: University Policies on Generative AI

Norlab AI: Authorship Authentication System

STUDENT VOICE: Teachers assign us work that relies on rote memorization, then tell us not to use artificial intelligence

How professors can reap the benefits and avoid the pitfalls of ChatGPT

I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT

AI Is a Lot of Work As the technology becomes ubiquitous, a vast tasker underclass is emerging — and not going anywhere.

Article by long-time ed-tech observer Michael Feldstein: Post-ASU+GSV Reflections on Generative AI

We tested a new ChatGPT-detector for teachers. It flagged an innocent student.

Artificial Hallucinations in ChatGPT: Implications in Scientific Writing

Believe Your Assignment is AI-Immune? Let’s Put it to the Test

Why AI detectors think the US Constitution was written by AI

From AI to A+: Prepare Your Students for Using ChatGPT and other AI

Turnitin AI Detection Rates for 65M Papers Illustrate Pervasiveness in Student Work

OpenAI Abruptly Shuts Down ChatGPT Plagiarism Detector—And Educators Are Worried

Don’t use AI detectors for anything important

An MIT student asked ai make her headshot ‘more professional’. It gave her lighter skin and blue eyes.

AI Plagiarism Detection Software Keeps Falsely Accusing Students of Cheating

AI in Education: New Guidance from the Department of Education

AI Content Generation Tools in Teaching, Learning, and Research

MLA-CCCC (Modern Language Association and Conference on College Composition and Communication) Joint Task Force on Writing and AI: Academic Integrity and Assignment Design

All work is group work now: Collaborative learning as a pedagogical and assessment framework for learning with generative AI

Generative AI’s Act Two

Lamar University, Center for Teaching & Learning Enhancement –  A Faculty Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Assessing the environmental impact of large language models

Youtube Video: Bill Gates and Sam Altman – “I didn’t expect ChatGPT to get so good” | Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates

Education and the Epistemological Crisis in the Age of ChatGPT

Environmental Impact – Water: ChatGPT needs to ‘drink’ a water bottle’s worth of fresh water for every 20 to 50 questions you ask, researchers say

Environmental Impact – Electricity: The AI Boom Could Use a Shocking Amount of Electricity

Environmental Impact – Electricity: The environmental impact of the AI revolution is starting to come into focus

Environmental Impact: The Green Dilemma: Can AI Fulfil Its Potential Without Harming the Environment?