ChatGPT Prompts for Higher Education

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We’ve curated a collection of ChatGPT prompts designed to help elevate teaching strategies and empower faculty in their course preparation and academic pursuits. We encourage you to try out the prompts below and discover how AI can enrich the learning experience for both educators and students. Visit the Chat Log links to see each prompt in action.

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Course Prep

Prompts to help save faculty time in course preparation.

I am teaching a course called {Course Name}. Currently the description for this course simply says {Catalog Description} However, the course is so much more interesting than that. I’d like you to propose an alternative course description that would cause a great deal of interest when students read it, while giving them a sense of purpose and confirming the course modality {Modality}. What you create should be approximately 100 words. Go!

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You are an educational assessment expert. I’m going to give you some learning objectives that I am working on but could use your help to ensure that they are specific, measurable, and learner-centers so that students know what is expected and so I can best align my content, activities, and assessments to these objectives. Here are some learning outcomes I would like you to improve: {LearningOutcomes}. Remember, “understand” is not a learning outcome. Also, remind me that these outcomes statements should be prominently placed, such as near the beginning of the course syllabus and on the course Home Page in the learning management system.

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I am teaching the course {CourseName}, which is a {Level} course. I would like you to analyze the following learning outcomes and report on their respective level on Bloom’s Taxonomy and weigh in politely regarding the outcomes and appropriateness for the course level. Make sure to use the more recent iteration of Bloom’s Taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001). Here are the current outcomes to analyze: {paste}

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I am teaching a 14-week college-level {CourseName} course. For this course I am using a learning management system and want to have an online module for each week of the course. Suggest a 14-week module outline for me that includes the title of the module and a few of the topics that will be covered and write those in the form of module level learning outcomes. I know you will create a great flow of module topics and respective module outcomes that are specific and measurable. Remember, you are an expert in assessment and know that understand is not a measurable outcome.

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I am teaching a course titled {CourseName} that has the following module titles: {ModuleTitles}. I want you to create 3 module level outcomes related to each of the respective module titles while ensuring that they also fall within the context of the course name. Make sure the module level outcomes are written in a way that ensures they are specific and measurable.

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Let’s build a module together for my {CourseName} course! I’m using the {TextName} textbook and students will be reading the chapter related to {ModuleTopic}. I want you to help me with additional experiences on the topic through this online module. Suggest a related video of approximately 10 minutes, such as a TED Talk video. Also, pick one interesting research-based online article on the topic. Next, I want an idea for an activity the students can do as an asynchronous online discussion but I don’t necessarily want the typical LMS Discussion Board experience as they have had boring experiences with those in the past. Finally, I want you to create a 10 question quiz on the module topic with a combination of multiple-choice, true-false, and short-answer questions. I look forward to what you create for this module! By the way, take your time finding that research-based online article and make sure it is accurate and real.

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I am teaching an online course titled {CourseName} and want to create a Getting Started page for my students. In this page I want to include the most important aspects of Course Navigation {CourseNav}; the following Course Requirements: {CourseRequirements}; my Assignment and Grading Policy {AssignmentGradingPolicy}; Communication Guidelines {CommGuidelines}. Okay, now you have all elements I would like you to synthesize into a Getting Started page that is concise and flows well.

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Help me write an effective Communications Guidelines statement for my course. This would include etiquette or what is sometimes called “netiquette” when it takes place through an online course. First and foremost is a decorum of respect that should be present in all communications, that the tone is neutral-to-pleasant and the discourse civil. When communicating in writing for course purposes there should be an attempt to be professional in using proper grammar and spelling. Students should also be respectful of varying viewpoints and backgrounds. Empathy and understanding should trump reaction. In this Communications Guidelines statement students should be reminded to consult the Student Conduct Code should they need further reference. Now create the statement for me with up to 100 words.

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Introductions & Wrap-Ups

Prompts to help faculty welcome and get to know their students.

I want you to act as an experienced instructor who is good at motivating students to learn. I am going to be teaching a {NAME OF} course starting next month and I want you to help me create a welcome message I can email to my students just prior to the start of the semester. The message should give them a sense of what the course is about, what they will find interesting, and ways they will be able to apply some of the course concepts to their lives. They should get the sense that I am here to help them be successful in meeting the outcomes of the course and any related personal goals they have. Keep the message to {##} words.

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I want you to act as an experienced instructor who is good at motivating students to learn. I am going to be teaching a {NAME OF} course starting next month and I want you to help me create a welcome video I can share with my students just prior to the start of the semester. The video script you create for me should give them a sense of what the course is about, my passion for the subject, what I think they will find interesting and important, and ways they will be able to apply some of the course concepts to their lives. They should also get the sense that I am here to help them be successful in meeting the outcomes of the course and any related personal goals they have. The video script should be written for a video to be approximately {##} seconds in length.

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I am teaching a {CourseName} course that takes place mostly or entirely online. I value creating a sense of community amongst my students and a first step in doing so is to provide a forum for Student Introductions. I want you to give me a couple great ideas for how I can have students introduce themselves in an online format. They would do so asynchronously using an online tool where they can choose to post a one-minute video or slide with their picture or avatar and any text bullets and complimentary images. It’s not meant to be technically daunting and it’s optional for them to appear on camera as I don’t want any of them to be uncomfortable. Students should be assured that what they share will be inside of the learning management system and only their classmates will have access. However, they should be aware that anything they share in any online format has the potential of being circulated so just to keep that in mind. Give them a few prompts that they should all respond to that can give some not-too-personal but individualized context and then give a couple options where they might share a “Fun Fact” such as favorite place they have traveled, proudest moment, or even most embarrassing moment if they feel so compelled. Students are asked to view and positively comment on postings of at least 5 other students in the course. Students don’t need to overthink their responses as this is a very low-stakes participation assignment where it should be easy to get full credit, given they make an effort simply to connect with others. Let’s see what you can come up with to make this an interesting community builder!

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I need your assistance writing a final course wrap-up message to my students in my {CourseName} course. You are a content writer and well-liked faculty member at a higher education institution. Please assist me in writing my final semester message to my students. I want to include how rewarding it’s been guiding them this semester, how much they’ve enriched my experience as a teacher, and how I hope they have acquired valuable knowledge or skills related to the course. Lenght of message should be approximately 200 words.

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Enhancing Learning

Prompts for learning more about and assessing levels of knowledge on topics.

I am a novice at {desired topic or skill}. Create a four-week development plan that will help beginners like me learn and improve at {topic or skill}.

I am learning about {topic}. Convert key elements of this topic into engaging stories and metaphors to aid my learning and retention.

I am writing a {post, blog, article, etc} about {topic}. Give me an outline of {#} bullet points to use as a framework for my writing. Also give me 3 options for an engaging title.

Create a glossary of terms and corresponding definitions for {unit or concept being taught}.

Create an open-ended question that assesses a student’s understanding of {e.g., photosynthesis in a Biology module}. Following is the modular objective(s): {PASTE}

Assessment & Feedback

Prompts for creating assessments and providing feedback to students.

I am a college professor teaching {CourseName}. The students have turned in their {AboutAssignment}. I need you to create 20 common positive and constructive feedback statements I can copy-paste onto student papers to help me provide feedback efficiently and effectively. Each piece of feedback should be 25-50 words. Please cite common {subject} concepts and authors where appropriate. Be sure to include a broad array of feedback pieces. Some of the feedback pieces should address common student writing problems like: lack of citation for facts/statistics, unclear connection to a business plan, lack of focus, unclear explanations of audience.

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Create a quiz with {3-5} multiple choice questions that assesses students’ understanding of {concept being taught}. Provide the answer key.

Provide a list of 5 alternative assessment methods that could be used to assess student understanding of {concept being taught}.

Activities & Assignments

Prompts to help faculty create engaging learning activities and assignments.

For my {CourseName} course, I want you to help me create an in-person class lesson related to {Topic}. This is a {# Minutes} minutes class meeting and assumes that students have read the related chapter before coming to this class session. There are {# Students} students. Create the lesson to engage students around the main elements of the chapter they have read. As you develop the lesson make sure to use Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction as a guide. Let’s see what great ideas you provide!

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For my {CourseName} course, I want you to help me create an in-person class lesson related to {Topic}. This is a {# Minutes} minutes class meeting and assumes that students have read the related chapter before coming to this class session. There are {# Students} students. I am teaching this session in a smart classroom that has students in table groups with access to their own touch screen displays for collaborative work within their groups as well as sharing across groups. Create the lesson to engage students around the main elements of the chapter they have read. As you develop the lesson make sure to use Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction as a guide. Let’s see what great ideas you provide!

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You are a very accomplished teacher of the college course {CourseName}. You are excellent at coming up with creative, engaging learning activities that are inclusive and motivating to students. Keep in mind that the course takes place {Setting}. For this activity I would like students to work in groups of {##}. Now please provide 3 of your best ideas for an engaging learning activity which focuses on {TopicName} and supports the learning outcome “{LearningOutcome}.” For each activity you suggest I would like context, instructions for the students to complete the activity, and guidelines for them to work effectively to complete the task and submit evidence of their efforts and what they have learned on the topic through this activity.

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You are an expert in creating effective active learning exercises and are to help me. The activity that we will create has the goal to serve as a {Goal}. This activity will take place in an {Setting} setting and is to be based on the topic {Topic}. It needs to be designed to enable students to: {Objective}. The following content is designed to inform students’ efforts in this activity: {Content}. While they are completing the activity, students will have on hand: {Materials}. In terms of student grouping for this exercise it is to be: {Grouping}. The activity is to last {Duration}. Upon completion of the activity students are to make the following submission: {Submission}. Now that you have all this information create a set of instructions that will tell me what I need to do to prepare students and myself for this activity. Next, create instructions and any necessary materials (e.g. worksheets or related questions) that you can for students to use in the activity as it has been described. Take your time and follow my instructions very carefully so we can make this the best experience possible.

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You are an expert in teaching, learning, and assessment and I’d like your professional guidance. For my college-level {Course Name} I want students to select a related topic, research it effectively, then construct and deliver an effective 10-minute oral presentation with an effective supporting slide deck. To help you with context, here is my course description: {PASTE}. And, here is a related course learning outcome to consider: {Learning Outcome}. Provide a list of 20 possible topics related to the course, assignment instructions for the students toward researching the topic, guidelines for them creating an effective presentation, and a detailed rubric with 3 levels of performance related to 5 assignment elements you deem most important.

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You are an expert instructor and practitioner related to the course: {Course}. Help me create a case study assignment as an effective learning and assessment strategy to enable my students to apply their knowledge to workplace scenarios. This assignment is to be based on hypothetical yet realistic scenarios related to the topic: {Topic}. The assignment will require students to apply critical thinking and clinical reasoning in this experience. Specifically, the desired outcomes of this assignment are: {Outcomes}. Students are completing this assignment in the course format: {Format}. In terms of number of students per group for this assignment the answer is: {Grouping}. In terms of whether I would like you to come up with some roles that students are to assume in their analysis and responses to the case they are analyzing the answer is: {Roles}. Upon completion of the assignment students will submit or deliver: {Submission}. Now that you have the course, topic, and some outcomes, I want you to create 3 relevant and effective case study scenarios for students to analyze. With all of the information listed above you should be able to come up with instructions for students toward the process in which they are to engage and the final submission.

Now let’s focus on grading. That submission will be graded according to the following elements and their respective point value: {Element1}, {Element1Pts}; {Element2}, {Element2Pts}; {Element3}, {Element3Pts}; {Element4}, {Element4Pts}; {Element5}, {Element5Pts}. Given that information about assignment elements to be submitted and their respective point values I want you to create a rubric in a table format. The first column is to be title “Elements” and list the assignment elements in the order I gave them to you. Then there is to be a second column titled “Exceeds Expectations” and for each element it will describe what perfect or near perfect performance on those elements looks like and the points possible for that level of performance on the elements. The third column is to be titled “Meets Expectations” and describe what reasonably good performance would be for each of the elements and the points possible range for that level of performance on the elements. The fourth column is titled “Needs Improvement” and describes ways students may need to significantly improve on the respective elements and the points possible range for this lower level of performance. Once you have completed the rubric, I want you to provide me with 5 positive and 5 constructive feedback statements I can use for performance levels on each of the elements.

Take your time and think about all of this as this is a very important learning experience that combines content knowledge with some real-world application thinking by students.

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For a lesson on {concept being taught} create a list of 5 teaching strategies that could be used to engage and challenge students of various abilities and learning preferences.

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For Students

Prompts for student feedback and testing their knowledge.

Student entry: Assume you are {insert famous person; e.g. John Dewey}. Read my argument on {topic} and provide feedback as if you were {same famous person}. {student inserts argument}

Student entry: I am currently learning about {topic}. Ask me a series of questions that will test my knowledge. Identify my knowledge gaps and suggest better answers.

Letter of Recommendation

Prompt to efficiently create effective letters of support.

Learn more about Using ChatGPT to Assist with Letters of Recommendation here.

I have been asked by a {STUDENT/POSTDOC/ETC.} of mine to write a reference letter for their application to {GRADUATE SCHOOL/FELLOWSHIP/PROMOTION/ETC.}. To create an effective letter, I need you to incorporate the following information: Addressed to {recipient name and salutation}; My relationship to the candidate through {EXPERIENCES, ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES}; Our length of relationship of {time}; What makes them particularly qualified {QUALIFICATION ATTRIBUTES}; Personal attribution strengths {CHARACTERISTICS}; and the following accomplishments {ACHIEVEMENTS}. After describing these create a summative recommendation statement and an offer for me to discuss their application or provide further information. Close the letter professionally.

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