AI in Assessment Example: Level 1

Concept Application (Mathematics, 200-level)

At this “No AI” level of the five-level AI Assessment Scale (Perkins, et al., 2024) the assignment is completed entirely without the use of Al. This level requires students to rely solely on their own knowledge, understanding, and skills. Al must not be used at any point during the assessment.

Course: MATH 220 – Applied Mathematics

Assignment Title: Concept Application in Novel Mathematical Problems

Due Date: [Insert Due Date]

Assignment Overview:
In this assignment, you will solve a set of mathematical problems that require the application of concepts learned in class to novel situations. The goal is to demonstrate your problem-solving skills, deep understanding of the mathematical concepts, and ability to think critically and independently. No AI tools are allowed in this assignment; your work must be entirely based on your own knowledge, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities.


  • To apply mathematical concepts learned in class to solve novel and complex problems.
  • To demonstrate a deep understanding of mathematical principles through detailed problem-solving processes.
  • To document your problem-solving steps, including any challenges, false starts, and revisions, to show your independent thinking and reasoning.


  1. Problem Set Overview:
    • You will be provided with a set of problems that involve applying mathematical concepts to new and unfamiliar situations. These problems are designed to challenge your understanding and require critical thinking.
    • Review each problem carefully before starting, ensuring that you understand what is being asked and which mathematical concepts are relevant.
  2. Problem-Solving Process:
    • Solve each problem step by step, clearly showing all your work. Your solutions should demonstrate a logical and methodical approach, from identifying the relevant concepts to applying them and arriving at a final answer.
    • For each problem, include a written explanation of your thought process. This explanation should detail how you approached the problem, why you chose specific methods, and how you applied the concepts learned in class.
    • If you encounter difficulties or realize that a particular approach is not working, document these false starts and revisions. Explain why the initial approach was incorrect or incomplete and how you adjusted your strategy to find a correct solution.
  3. Final Solution Submission:
    • Compile your solutions into a single document, ensuring that each problem is fully solved and explained. Your submission should include:
      • Problem Statement: Restate the problem to clarify your understanding of what is being asked.
      • Solution Steps: Show all the steps you took to solve the problem, including calculations, diagrams (if applicable), and logical reasoning.
      • Explanation: Provide a detailed explanation of your problem-solving process, including any challenges, false starts, and how you overcame them.
      • Final Answer: Clearly state the final answer to each problem, ensuring it is presented in a clear and understandable format.
  4. Reflection and Documentation:
    • Reflect on your problem-solving experience, particularly any challenges you faced and how you addressed them. Consider how this process helped deepen your understanding of the mathematical concepts.
    • Include a brief reflection (1-2 pages) discussing your problem-solving process, what you learned from working through the novel problems, and how this assignment helped you strengthen your mathematical skills.
  5. Final Submission:
    • Submit your complete problem set solutions, including all written explanations and the reflection. Ensure that your submission is well-organized, clearly written, and professionally presented.

Evaluation Criteria:

– Accuracy and Completeness of Solutions (40%): Demonstrating correct application of mathematical concepts to solve the problems accurately and completely, with all steps clearly shown.

– Clarity and Coherence of Problem-Solving Process (25%): Presenting a logical, well-organized, and coherent problem-solving process that clearly explains your reasoning and method.

– Depth of Understanding (20%): Showing a deep understanding of the mathematical concepts through thoughtful problem-solving and reflection on challenges encountered during the process.

– Reflection on Problem-Solving (10%): Providing a reflective discussion on your problem-solving experience, including challenges, false starts, and how you learned from the process.

– Writing and Presentation Quality (5%): Producing a professionally written and well-presented document, with attention to clarity, formatting, and adherence to academic standards.

Support Resources:

– Math Tutoring Center: The university’s math tutoring center offers support for students working on complex problem sets. You can schedule one-on-one appointments to discuss challenging problems and improve your problem-solving skills.

– Office Hours: Schedule office hours with your instructor to discuss the problem set, clarify concepts, and receive guidance on your approach to solving the problems.

– Library Resources: The university library provides access to textbooks, reference materials, and practice problem sets that can help reinforce your understanding of the mathematical concepts covered in this assignment.

– Peer Collaboration: Engage in study groups or peer review sessions where you can discuss problem-solving strategies and receive feedback on your approach to the problems.

Academic Integrity:
This assignment must reflect your original work, based on your understanding and problem-solving skills. No AI tools are allowed in the creation of the solutions or the reflection. Misuse of external resources to generate solutions or failure to document your independent work in the problem-solving process will be considered a violation of academic integrity.


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AI Assessment Scale © 2024 by Perkins, et al. is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International